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Things to Come

16 Jun

Filmed in 1936, based on H.G. Wells book The Shape of Things To Come – this movie has barely aged in its articulate clarity of the nature of war and progress, screenplay by H.G. Wells.

The story of a hundred year war that starts in 1940 and lasts so long no one remembers why it began. After a plague kills most of the society, small groups survive and finally reconnect to rebuild, until it grows so prosperous a new uprising begins again progress, claiming it is what starts wars in the first place.

Santa Maria versión islámica

28 May

Gracias a la fantástica labor de doblaje cinematográfico que ha realizado HispanTV, podemos disfrutar de este magnífico film sobre la vida de la Virgen María (as), en cómodos capítulos.

Un maravilloso recorrido por la vida de esta espectacular Señora del Paraiso que hará deleitarse a los cristianos y admirarla, aún más, a los musulmanes. Recomendada para todas las edades.

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